Research Publishing Ethics

Art Style Magazine outlines the best practice principles for publications. In this way, we wish to highlight the fundamental values of recognition of merit and the originality of researchers and authors. Therefore, we present here the central notions of good conduct and research publishing ethics, based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Wiley’s Best Practice Guidelines on Publishing Ethics: A Publisher’s Perspective, Second Edition, the United States National Science Foundation’s policies and procedures, the European Science Foundation’s code of conduct, and the FAPESP São Paulo Research Foundation’s code of good scientific practice.

Articles must be based on respect for basic human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Art Style Magazine’s Scholarly Content

Ideas in verbal or written form in research should not be considered in the public domain. It is an original contribution of the work-related authors. Otherwise, ideas and authors must be cited in the article’s publication, regardless of whether the concept or writing is precisely the same or analogous to a work submitted or already published by another publication and must state the respective Art Style Magazine editors. If the researcher publishes a work based on research already published, it is necessary to cite the first publication in the article submitted to Art Style Magazine.

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